Thursday, March 18, 2010

Wow! We have been busy! During February all grades reviewed rhythmic notation (note values.) We wrote rhythms with popsicle sticks and played "Rhythm Bingo." We added rhythm patterns to songs. Third and fourth graders started to play the recorders. March brought us "Reading Month" as well as "Music in our Schools Month." We read stories that had special musical effects and accompaning songs. We have been learning songs for the "World's Largest Concert" which we will sing along in our assembly tomorrow. The concert comes to us on DVD and is a project of MENC: The Association for Music Education. An estimated 6 million students will sing along in their own schools. Third and fourth grade students have also been working in centers using the computer program "Music Ace" and playing music notation review board games. First and Second graders have been learning about the story and music for "Peter and the Wolf." We read the book, acted out the story to the music and will compare and contrast that traditional version with the Disney video version.