Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March is Much

We are winding down Music in Our Schools Month and Reading Month by combining the two in our activities. By the end of the week all students should have had a chance to hear one of two fables, "The Three Billy Goats Gruff" or "How the Camel Got His Hump." These fables have key words where a musical instrument is played and also have a short song that goes with them. The song is accompanied by our xylophones and glockenspiels. It is difficult to listen carefully enough to not miss an opportunity to play! (Ask your children about the vibraslap, gong, casaba, guiro, bell tree, claves or ocean drum.)
First and second graders have also enjoyed the story of "Peter and the Wolf" with some acting and a video as well as a book. Third and fourth graders will be hearing "The Carnival of the Animals." Spring break is close. Please have a safe and happy week off!

Nice Job, Fourth Graders!

Monday evening's Peacemaking Awards Ceremony featured many of Vowles fourth graders along with students from Ganiard and Fancher. They sounded great! Good job students! There was not a time when the students could all rehearse together, so they sang together for the absolute first time at the ceremony. Thanks so much to all who participated! You were wonderful!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Reminder for Fourth Graders

Today is the day! This is a reminder that the Vowles fourth grade students have been invited to perform two songs at the Peacemaking Award Ceremony. The ceremony will take place Monday, March 26, 2012 at 6:00 PM. It will be held at the Mt. Pleasant High School Gym. Students are asked to meet at the gym at 5:40 PM. They will be dismissed to meet parents as soon as their songs are finished. Please plan to meet your student in the gym hallway if you will be leaving, or meet your student to sit with you until the ceremony is finished. We are looking forward to this exciting opportunity.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Music and Reading

March is a busy month for us. We are celebrating Music in Our Schools Month and Reading Month together. We had our assembly last week for the Concert in MIOSM. The fourth graders are preparing for a performance at the Peacemaking Awards. Third graders are working on recorders. Younger students are having a chance to sing songs that are books and also add sound effects and songs to stories. Ask your child which stories they have used in music class.

Attention Fourth Grade Families

Our now famous fourth graders have been invited to sing at the Mt. Pleasant Public Schools Peacemaking Awards Ceremony. The event is March 26 at 6:00 PM in the High School Gym. Students need to arrive by 5:40. They will be dismissed to families immediately after their performance. Vowles students will be singing with students from Fancher and Ganiard. I hope you can attend.

We Did It!

The Vowles students gathered in the gym last Thursday to watch and sing along with the "Concert for Music in Our Schools Month." Since our fourth graders appeared during the National Anthem (I might add that they were the first school featured. How cool is that?) the students remained respectful and sang well. Our cheering was saved for the rolling of the credits. We do love seeing the words, "Vowles Elementary School" on the screen. We have already received our certificate of participation. It is framed and ready to be added to our 'wall of fame.' Stop by and see it in the music room. We have concert certificates dating from 1999 and National Anthem Project certificates from the beginning of the project in 2005. Way to go students!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's Music in Our Schools Month!

Our Vowles celebration of the Concert for Music in Our Schools month will take place on March 8. Students will gather in the gym for the sing-a-long assembly. Vowles parents are welcome to come and sing with us if you like, or you can enjoy the concert from your own home as well. The concert is posted on the district web page AND will be shown each day in March on the district TV cable channel 98 at 1:00 PM and 6:30 PM. Happy Music in Our Schools Month! Remember,
"Music lasts a lifetime!"

Friday, March 2, 2012

Short but Busy

Welcome to our very short week. Third and Fourth graders are still working on recorder songs. First and second graders had a chance to work on beat and patterning with an egg shaker passing game. Ask your student if they can show you the pattern to 'shake, shake, pass.' Kindergarten students began exploring tempi by walking different speeds, trying to find their own natural speed and then trying to identify who was walking the speed that matched the music from the piano. This appeared to be a tough task. We'll work more on it through the end of the year. A snow day and parent/teacher conferences cut our time a little short. I was happy to meet a few of you during conferences. I am looking forward to the Vowles BEST celebration that had to be postponed from Wednesday. Twenty-three students of all ages have signed up to come to the music room for a session of drumming. Next week, we will all get to try a snare drum as well. We will be including activities that refer to stories as we enter March for reading month. March is also Music in Our Schools Month which features the concert from the National Association for Music Education with our fourth graders. If you can't wait to see it, check it out on the district web page. You can view it (and sing along) from there.